Recent Testimonials

I wanted to write a note expressing my satisfaction with the job performed handling the [customer] annual inventory. They were pleasant, professional, and performed the work with speed and accuracy. I had worked with AES a few years ago, so when I saw they were coordinating the effort, I knew we were in good hands....”
IBM Global Services

The facility looked great. It had not been cleaned since they began moving in 3 months ago. The crew definitely had their work cut out for them, cleaning 3 month old dirt. They did a great job....”
Major provider of Design, Engineering and Construction services of Data Centers and mission critical facilities

Packing, moving and auditing 185,000 pieces of media in a week isnt half bad. Great work. Thanks for making this go so smoothly....”
Top 5 Financial Firm

I just wanted to thank you for going way above and beyond to help us out with our recent Tape Destruction job. We owe a great deal of our project's success to you....”
Portable Storage Media

Just wanted to drop you a quick note to say thanks for all of the support you provided us during the very quick startup and migration. I know that all of the last minute changes have been some what frustrating, but you went the extra mile to help us anyway you could and I certainly appreciate all your support....”
IT Management Firm

Thank you so much for your AMAZING work during the [customer]'s tape destruction. This was the largest tape destruction that we have ever attempted and it was the most smooth and efficient destruction I have ever seen. Your team performed absolutely wonderfully. I was very impressed with the teams partnering together to make this a complete success! Thank you!....”
Major IT Firm